วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Is the great pyramid a monument of pi?

Is the great pyramid a monument of Pi?

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the life-long to acquire it.(Albert Einstein)


The great pyramid of Egypt is an attractive architecture that interests people all over the world and all through the time to study about its miracle. Some said the great pyramid was a monument of Royal Cubit or RC measurement. It was also assumed as an entrance to other dimensions-SG:star gate- or an unknown energy source for human.

Is the great pyramid a monument of Pi?

Using etymology and decode technique, I can verify that the 1 RC measurement equals 523.96125549 mm length, which is in accordance with “1 RC = 524±2 mm.”This is regarded as the first verification of the world.
(Some refers RC to W.M.Flinders Petrie’s work, which indicated that RC 20.620±0.005 inches. Moreover, in year 2000, Joseph Turbeville applied sequence table to raise a theory that RC = 20.618 inches or 523.6972mm. This is the starting point to show that the great pyramid was created from this measurement which was sourced by this sequence)

The equation of “1RC=523.96125549 mm.” supports the idea that creators of the great pyramid intended to leave crucial evidence to the next generation. They would like to be reminded that they had exalted civilization as they knew about punctual Pi with complicated decimal system.

Unsurprisingly, actual meaning of the great pyramid is to be a monument of Pi.

As the creation of the great pyramid used this concept, our common sense tells us that when we are going to make the length of the base or the height, its measurement is supposed to be in divisible figure without a remainder. For example, if the length of the base (a) equals 440RC, it would be no more important if the height will be in divisible figure with or without a remainder.

The main objective of the proposal is that monument of Pi via the proportion of “a = Pi*h/2” equals “440 = 3.14159265*h/2”. The “h”, as a result of this proportion, may be or may be not in divisible figure with or without a remainder. It is not important because the main objective of the architecture is Pi.

Consequently, with the idea that the great pyramid is monument of Pi, its creators needed to build up this architecture by using one of the two guidelines as follow (with a condition that RC=523.96125549mm);

figure 1

First, the length of the base is 230.54295(or 440RC) meter, and its height is 146.76820 meter. With either condition that 2a/h=3.1415926, or the correct Pi of the seventh figure in decimal system, see figure 1.(This measure starts from setting the length of the base in divisible figure without a remainder or integral number. Next, its height will be calculated to make the proportion of 2a/h = Pi)

figure 2

Second, the length of the height is 146.70915(or 280RC) meter, and its base is 230.45019 meter. With either condition that 2a/h=3.1415926, or the correct Pi of the seventh figure in decimal system, see figure 2. (This measure starts from setting the height in divisible figure without a remainder or integral number, such as 280RC. Next, the length of the base will be calculated to make the proportion of 2a/h = Pi)


Then, we are going to compare information between 1) proportion of the great pyramid, as a result of “1RC=523.96mm” and 2) actual information as a result of survey and measurement, which was recorded as 230.429m(756ft*12*2.54cm) base length and 146.7612m(or 481.5ft*12*2.54cm) height.(reference is made to The 1978 Americana Encyclopedia, after converting unit of foot to meter).

figure 3

First, considering only the difference in length, we find that both base lengths is 230.54295-230.429=0.11395 or 11.4 cm different. Also, the difference in height is only146.76820-146.7612 = 0.007 m or 0.7cm, see figure 3.

figure 4

considering only the difference in length, we find that both base lengths is 230.45019-230.429= 0.02119 or 2 cm different. Also, the difference in height is only146.7612-146.70915 = 0.05205m or 5 cm, see figure 4.

Note, all the differences which are 11.4, 5, 2, and 0.7 cm, may be treated as a very tiny variant in consideration of the great pyramid’s size(its base length is approximately 230 and height 146 m) and this deviation is may be either the cause of erroneous construction or the human erroneous surveying.

Then, from all mentioned reasons above, we can conclude that the great pyramid must be constructed in the unit of RC which its length is equal to 523.96125549 mm exactly.

The explanation of the original RC

The years of searching in the dark for a truth that one feels but cannot express, the intense desire and the alternations of confidence and misgiving until one breaks through to clarity and understanding, are known only to him who has himself experienced them. (Thone, 1994:117)

Must to say that, the Etymology unveil we that the secret of the great pyramid is already hidden in the word “Pyramid.”This word-pyramid-has many meanings such as light, measurement, ten, middle, fire in the middle, and also its proportional revelation which unfold the “occult number” or Thoth god’s number whereas it relate to the legend of Atlantis, or sometime is the name of one gods in the ancient Egypt’s fable.

Some said that, the miraculous number which is shown in the proportion of the great pyramid implied to the Leonardo DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man which is drawn in 1487, some thought that the great pyramid may be signified to Fibonacci series or Golden Spiral, some think that it relates to Star/Shield of David , and some believe it signified to the phi which equals 1.618.

Then all the secret about the great pyramid which relate to the occult number, we can defined its implicit into 2 guide lines

First, believe that the great pyramid relate to Pi

Second, believe that the great pyramid related to the unit of Royal Cubit or RC, the great constant number such as Pi, and the other numbers which will be discovered in the future

In the past, on this mystical number, Sir Isaac Newton the most famous scientist believed his occult insight that the great pyramid had hidden some enigmaticalt number, and he thought this number would take parts as an important impact in the future’s science.

Lord Newton sent some surveyors to Egypt for approving his theory of gravitation which some secrets may be hidden in the great pyramid, such as the mass of earth, for completing his gravity theory, and finally he tried to define the pyramid inch or Pi inch. Later, the idea of Pi inch became to the royal cubit or RC in the present day.

Nowadays, we define RC is equal to 524±2 mm, mean that its length is interval 522-526 mm,

Otherwise, some believe that the great pyramid related to the circle, so the clue of the great pyramid is so called the square circle, or squaring the circle.

This idea accord to the first guide line, which believe that the great pyramid signifies somehow to the mystical number Pi, and we know that Pi is the ultimate characteristics of circle, may be said that when one say circle he said Pi too.

Concluding all ideas which we have seen, we can say that the great pyramid exactly unfold unsurprisingly to Pi and circle.

So, the important words which may be decoded the great pyramid is light, measurement, middle/intermediate, fire in the middle, mystical number, Pi, and circle.

Finally, the greatest secret of the great pyramid is hidden in these words, exactly.

Waiting someone to reveal?

“The gateway to power is secret,but he who attains shall receive.Look to the Light! O my brother.Open and ye shall receive.”(Citing the Emerald Tables of Thoth)

First of all, we must conceived that light and circle have some characteristics together, and they are counterpart of each other, which they always appear in photographs as the ring of light.

As we can see the light’s circle, and the man in the past may saw this beautiful amazing circle of light for many millennium.

Just as we known, some characteristics of circle is noted Pi, surprisingly it seemingly presented in the proportion of the great pyramid too.So, the significant which the great pyramid to express are light and Pi related.However, just as our knowledge in the 20th century told we about the highest secret of light, by the speed of light c, in the famous Einstein’s equation or E=mc2That great equation reveals the inherent mystery of the speed of light.Surprisingly, both Pi and speed of light are two things which wonder the human wisdom for a long time.They try to acquire these two mystery things in the history of human knowledge.

Intuitive approach?

Mysteries there are in the Cosmos that unveiled fill the worked with their light.All through the ages, the light has been hidden.Light of the great fire is hidden within. Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom.Open the door to the Kingdom of Light.(Citing the Emerald Tables of Thoth)

Some pyramid theorists believe that The entire Giza Plateau is a monument to Light, or it contains in its many dimensions all of the median "measures" of light, The great pyramid is also a "sculpture"of a photon at rest, or the great pyramid has the "rest mass" of a stationary photon, or sense of infinity etc.

All above ideas and together with a mystical intuition, one can see that the relation of light’s circle and Pi lead us to a new ratio of Pi(3.14159265) and speed of light c(2.99792458), or Pi/c = 1.04792251 which is equivalent to 2RC=1047.79 mm

So RC = Pi/2c or 523.96 mm, whereas RC’s length is 524±2mm.So these values are the same miraculous thing.

Now we can see that RC which is surprisingly equal to 523.96 mm is accorded with the words Pi and light in its mystical way. And can verify by real measurements which is mentioned above in heading Comparison.

Note, for a mathematical technic to decode the mystical science, we must say that the two number of Pi and c, are treated only the decimal place to 3.14159265 and 2.99792458.

Problems to contemplate?

If the measurable unit of the great pyramid is made of Pi and the speed of light which led to Pi/2c, so it may be possible that the ancient civilization in 4500 BC known the present speed of light and Pi to the eight digit in decimal system, while we known this speed of light, 299,792.458 km/s, in 1983 or only 25 years ago.

While the true value of Pi in the eight digit, we just expressed or calculated in 1719 or 300 years ago.

So, the measurement of meter and second are the peculiar number of the universe, because they coincide with RC and the great pyramid surprisingly.

Or they own the science of knowing the events in the future, and they know that the human civilization in the year 1983 define the speed of light is 299,492.458 km/s, or may be they own the science of star gate, the space-time theory which is related the over-light speed traveler, whereas our knowledge in the present day is only beginner step.


Fascinatingly, whereas the RC revelation that it is defined by the knowledge of Pi(the seventh digit or more) and the speed of light c(the seventh digit or more), whereas in ancient Egypt’s Ahmes papyrus recorded in 1650 BC defined Pi as 3.16.

In some way, may be the great pyramid is represented to the value of Pi through the sense of infinity that the Giza Plateau as Pi, 3 large pyramids and the infinite mystery encoded Pi (3.14159265…) is true. Whereas the pyramid creator intense to accuracy construct in RC only the big one, the great pyramid, is the technic to hidden the ultimate secret of RC and Pi.

Or the great pyramid somehow relate to the outer space civilization.

Personally, I think there is a UFO phenomenon which has been interacting with human beings for a long time, perhaps well back into ancient Egypt and even long before.(Steven Mizrach, The Stargate Conspiracy)

Va Comonica in Italy,age c. 10,000 years ago http://www.crystalinks.com/ancientastronauts.html


From all reasons which be surprisingly shown in this article support the theory of Pi-RC measurement which RC was made from the ratio of Pi/c.

Written by Pudalay7000@yahoo.comThe Kingdom of Thailand, South East Asia.


Thorne, Kip.S(1994). Black Holes and Time Warps : Einstein’s
Outrageous Legacy
. New York : Papermac.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. หน่วยวัด RC ของต้นแนวคิดอย่าง Sir Flinders Petrie ที่ได้รับการยอมรับในทางวิชาการคือ 1RC=20.62-20.63 inches บ้างก็อ้างค่า 20.627inches
    แต่ในบทความนี้เสนอค่า 1RC=20.628 โดยมาจากการตีความคำว่าพีระมิดและรหัสนัยของค่าไพที่แฝงอยู่ในโครงสร้างมหาพีระมิด ทำให้ค่า 20.628 เป็นค่าหนึ่งของ 20.62-20.63 นิ้ว และค่าตัวเลขนี้ ยังสอดคล้องกับค่า 20.627 ที่นักคิดบางส่วนคิดว่าคือความยาวของหน่วยวัด RC ที่ถูกต้องแท้จริง
    ที่น่าสนใจกว่านั้นก็คือว่า หน่วยวัด 1 RC=20.628 inches ทำให้ขนาดของพีระมิดจริงกับค่าที่คำนวณได้โดยหน่วยวัดนี้มีความใกล้เคียงกันอย่างยิ่ง..ถึงมากที่สุด นั่นคือ มีความแตกต่างกันเพียงแค่ระดับ 11.4, 5, 2, 0.7 เซ็นติเมตรตามลำดับเท่านั้น โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งกรณีที่พีระมิดถูกสร้างให้ฐานยาวเท่ากับ 440 RC ทำให้ค่าความสูงของพีระมิดที่วัดได้จริงกับค่าที่คำนวณตามทฤษฎีมีความแตกต่างกันเพียง 4 มิลิลิิเมตรเท่านั้น...ว้าว
    ..สิ่งที่ผ่านกาลเวลามายาวนานนับพันๆปี กับโครงสร้างขนาดใหญ่มหึมา ขนาดที่วัดจริงได้แตกต่างกับพิมพ์เขียว(ตามทฤษฎี)เพียง 4 มิลลิเมตร...ยิ่งกว่าเหลือเชื่อเสียอีก โอ้ จอร์จ นายยอดมากเลย.
